Wednesday 27 May 2009

Maliboro in Yogyakarta

Malioboro is a well-known shopping promenade and very popular among Indonesian as well as international tourists. Spans from the Tugu Station to the Sultan's square, Malioboro is 2 kilometers in length and home to hundreds of shops and street-stalls which offers various kind of handicrafts. Several notable places in Malioboro are:

  • Pasar Beringharjo (Beringharjo Marketplace), Jalan Pabringan 1, Yogyakarta 55122 (north of Vredeburg Fort), +62 274 515871, 561510. Literally means slanted land, Beringaharjo is the largest traditional marketplace in Yogyakarta. The vendors sell many kind of goods, ranging from basic household items (vegetables, fruits, meats) to many kind of handicrafts. Haggle furiously.
  • Mirota Batik (opp Pasar Beringharjo), Jalan Ahmad Yani 9, Yogyakarta 55122, +62 274 588524, 518127, 547016 . The large family-owned store offers plenty of handicrafts, not only from Yogyakarta but also from all part of Indonesia.
  • Dagadu (lower ground floor Malioboro Mall). Offers funny contemporary t-shirts and souvenirs that revolves around Yogyakarta people's culture.

If travelling on foot is not your thing, you can ride the pedal-powered trishaw called becak, or the andong horsecart.

Borobudur Temple in Yogyakarta

Built over a period of some 75 years in the 8th and 9th centuries by the kingdom of Sailendra, constructed out of an estimated 1,600,000 blocks of volcanic stone, dredged from the river and assembled solely by human labor, the nine-terraced temple is a representation of the transition towards nirvana and is famed for its 1,500 intricately carved reliefs, covering a total length of five kilometers end-to-end. The volcanic Mount Merapi, one of the most active volcanoes on Java, can be seen steaming on the horizon directly north of the site.

The first archaeological study of the site was initiated in 1814 by Sir Stamford Raffles, founder of Singapore. First restored in 1907, the monument suffered from neglect and war and was once more in effect rebuilt in the 1970s under the guidance of UNESCO, who designated Borobudur as a World Heritage Site. The massive restoration process involved the removal and refurbishing of over one million blocks, rebuilding the foundation and adding drainage systems.


1. By plane

The nearest larger airports are inYogyakarta and Solo. Both are well connected and it's possible, if a bit rushed, to visit Borobudur on a day trip from Bali.

2. By public transport

Usage of public transport from Yogyakarta or Semarang is usually discouraged by the more cautious guide books and other authorities due to the increase in pickpockets and others on the usually crowded buses. Muntilan is the nearest town on the Yogyakarta to Semarang road. If you are not easily harassed by such issues, it is well worth the experience.

3. By car

Yogyakarta is about 40 minutes south of Borobudur by car. Most of the route is on a well-maintained (for Indonesia) four-lane (in many places) highway and there are frequent bus services (see above). Taxi from Yogyakartato Borobudur costs 175 000 IDR (around 20 US $) as on October 2008. Public bus ("indian style") from Giwangan bus terminal of Yogyakarta to Borobudur bus station now (Nov, 2008) is 20 000 IDR (~1.30h) for one way (plus 2 500 IDR for city bus #4 from Jl.Malioboro to Giwangan terminal). So, price in travel agencies around every tourist places of Jogya, for, still, 50-60K IDR for minibus travel door-to-door is very reasonable now.From Jombor bus station is 10,000 IDR


entry into the Borobudur site costs US$11 - Rp93,000 (US$7 student, or Rp9,000 if you are Indonesian) and the site is open to the public from 6 AM to 5 PM. However, the Manohara Hotel runs a daily Borobudur Sunrise Tour for an additional US$10 (115 000 IDR) per person, which gets you a flashlight and a lift up to the temple gate at 4:30 AM, in time to see the sunrise and explore for an hour and a half before the hordes arrive, and is well worth the money. Hiring a guide who can explain the reliefs well costs Rp 50,000. You should ask for a guide in the evening before going to tour in the morning.

Borobudur consists of a single stupendously large structure, which can be divided into layers as follows:

  • The platform at the base of the structure, which was clearly added on later and hides some reliefs, is of uncertain provenance and function. The main theories are that the platform was added to censor reliefs depicting earthly desires or — rather more likely — to buttress the subsiding structure and prevent it from collapsing. A section of the platform has been excavated at the southeast corner, showcasing some of the hidden reliefs underneath.
  • The bulk of the structure consists of four square terraces connected by steep staircases. Each terrace has reliefs in two layers on both sides, recounting the story of the Buddha's past lives and his enlightenment. The "correct" way to view the reliefs is to start from the east gate (the main entrance) and circulate clockwise.
  • After the square terraces the structure suddenly opens up to reveal the final four circular terraces. Comparatively plain and unadorned, there are no more reliefs here, just several hundred domes housing half-hidden Buddha statues (many headless, some lost entirely).
  • The peak of the structure is a central stupa. The two chambers inside the stupa are empty, and it is unclear whether they were empty from the beginning as a representation of nirvana, or whether they originally contained now lost statues.
  • You can discover 6 different postures of buddha's statue for bottom level to the top. They are "contact with earth", "giving and helping", "mediatation", "no fear", "teach and learn", "turn of wills".

Komodo National Park in Komodo Island

Komodo National Park lies in the Wallacea Region of Indonesia, identified by WWF and Conservation International as a global conservation priority area, and is located in the center of the Indonesian archipelago, between the islands of Sumbawa and Flores. Komodo National Park includes three major islands: Komodo, Rinca and Padar, as well as numerous smaller islands creating a total surface area (marine and land) of more than 1,800 km2. As well as being home to the Komodo Dragon, also known as the Komodo Monitor, or Ora (to Indonesians), the park provides refuge for many other notable terrestrial species. Moreover, the Park includes one of the richest marine environments. HOW TO REACH KOMODO NATIONAL PARK The ferry service between the cities of Sape on the eastern tip of Sumbawa and Labuanbajo on Flores drops of passengers on Komodo once or twice every week. There is no port on the island, so passengers are unloaded onto small vessels which ferry's them into the islands only village - note that it's not all departures that has this service, so check beforehand. Bima, a short drive from Sape, has an airstrip with flights to Denpasar.

Travellers coming in from Sape to the west (those travelling overland through Sumbawa and also those arriving at Bima airport) should note that the once-daily ferries from Sape can be suspended indefinitely due to bad weather, so if you want to be sure of your travel arrangements, flying to Labuanbajo is a much safer bet. (If you get stranded at Sape, the best Bima airport will be able to offer is a flight back to Denpasar on Bali.)


The main reasons to travel to Komodo National Park are the Komodo Dragons, the superb beaches and the unspoilt corals.

Unless really interested in fauna, traveling to Komodo just for lizard-sightseeing may be too time and money consuming.


The Komodo Dragon has a history of attacking humans. Beware of getting too close, and if you are visiting via the park's office (which you should), ask for a guide and stick close to him. Do not wander off or do anything without his consent. Komodos may approach the guest rest area during annual feeding time, but in this time, find a building (which are usually elevated) and stay clear from the railings. Komodos can and will jump to obtain food if necessary. Park rangers are usually present at these events and will deflect any Komodos trying to get in (which they can do).

You may be given a large pole with a split on the end, forming a "Y" shape. This can be used as a walking pole or for moving things on your path - however, if wild animals threaten, it can be used as a last form of defense (despite being hardly useful against komodos). Overall, try keeping a watchful eye and steer clear of any wildlife.

Komodos are extremely dangerous if close enough. They can run faster than humans (and accelerate very quickly), so best not approach if necessary. Jumping into water (as Komodos are often found near the beach too) doesn't help either, as they can swim faster than humans, can dive, and can also swim against strong currents (in fact, sometimes Komodos are found on neighboring islands, suspected of swimming there). Although their saliva is falsely believed to be poisonous, it is laden with harmful bacteria and will require medical treatment (which is usually not immediately possible ), and their jaws can mean instant death. It may also charge at its victims. It's tail is equally deadly and may be swung dangerously, knocking victims off their feet.

Younger Komodos may live in trees. While not as dangerous as their parents, they can still jump off suddenly and cause panic. Snakes, monitor lizards, and other animals are also present and may cause minor problems.


The national park is located in the extreme south-western tip of Java on the Sunda shelf, includes the Ujung Kulon peninsula and several offshore islands and encompasses the natural reserve of Krakatoa. It is Indonesia's first national park and was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992 for containing the largest remaining lowland rain forest in Java. In addition to its natural beauty and geological interest – particularly for the study of inland volcanoes – it contains the largest remaining area of lowland rain forests in the Java plain. The mainland part of Ujung Kulon was formerly farmland until it was devastated and depopulated by the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa after which it returned to its original forested state. The most precious of all the animals in the parks is the Java one-horned rhinoceros, the rarest large animal on earth. It is also one of only two homes of the critically endangered Javan Rhinoceros. A population of fifty to sixty live in Ujung Kulon, a smaller population of possibly 10 or less, live in Cat Tien National Park, Vietnam. Once found across much of south east Asia, the first accounts of the Java rhino date back to China’s T’ang dynasty (A.D. 618-906) when Java was noted as a source for rhino horns. In Java during the 1700’s rhinos were so numerous and damaging to the agricultural plantations that the government paid a bounty for every rhino killed, bagging five hundred within two years. Ujung Kulon’s rhino population is now estimated at around fifty individuals and they were believed to be the last remaining Javan rhino in the world until a small population was recently discovered in Vietnam. However, these are so few in numbers that their viability is unlikely and so Ujung Kulon remains the last home of this magnificent pachyderm. In appearance the Javan rhino is closest to the Indian rhino, both having a single-horn and skin folds or plates but there are distinct differences between their neck plates and skin textures. The Javan rhino also has a long prehensile upper lip which extends below the lower allowing it to grasp foliage. The body shape of the Javan rhino is designed to push aside the undergrowth and only the male Javan rhino has a prominent horn while the female has a lump similar to a halved coconut. Earlier this cenntury Javan rhinos were measures as being over 170 cm. At the shoulders, more than 3 metres in length and 2,200 kg. In body weight but a recent photographic survey indicates that the largest rhino in Ujung Kulon may be around 150 cm. in height. Rhinos range over a maximum distance of 15 to 20 kilometres a day in the densely forested lowlands of the Ujung Kulon Peninsula and to the east of its isthmus. They are most mobile at nights, like wallowing in mud pools and sometimes venture onto beaches and grazing grounds. Although actual sightings of rhinos are rare, their prrints and droppings are often found on the trails, sometimes unnervingly fresh. Javan rhinos are believed to be capable of running as fast as a person and so advice to visitors, should they happen to come across one, is to climb the nearest tree and take a photo - in that order. HOW TO GET TO UJUNG KULON The easiest way to get in is by purchase a tour from a resort in Anyer. The price will be around Rupiah 1.5 million - 3.0 million depend on the length of stay. As like many other places in the world, the price will go down if the number of the people join the tour increase. It will take around 3-4 hours from Anyer to Peucang Island where all the accommodation and also national park office concentrate here. The cheapest way to get here is by public transport. The journey can start from Kalideres bus station in the West Jakarta. The bus is a green color bus with direction to Labuan. The cost is around Rp 25000 one way. It takes 3 hours to arrive in Labuan from Kalideres bus station. From Labuan, the journey will continue to Sumur or directly to Taman Jaya the last point before Ujung Kulon National Park. In Labuan, a lot of touts telling you there is no bus to Sumur or Taman Jaya. They offer ojek (motorcyle transport) for the transport and off course more expensive than the bus. There are buses to Sumur every hour, but only one bus go directly to Taman Jaya every day. The bus to Taman Jaya leaves at noon around 12.00 AM, so it is better to leave Kalideres in the morning around 7.00 or 8.00 AM. The bus to Taman Jaya is not parking in the bus station. It usually park outside the bus station around 20 meters on the left side of the bus station. The bus will leave after full with the passengers. The bus fee to Sumur is Rupiah 25000 (USD 2.8) and to Taman Jaya Rp 40000 (USD 4.5). It will not easy drive. Most the road along 98 km is in bad condition. The journey to Sumur takes 3 hours and to Taman Jaya 4 hours. If you cannot manage go to Taman jaya, the trips suppose to be continued by Ojek from Sumur. The cost will around Rp 30000-40000 (USD 3.5-4.5) depend on negotiation. Actually, there are also options to get a tour in Sumur and Labuan, but most of the local budget traveler will be heading to Taman Jaya to get the cheapest option to travel to the Ujung Kulon National Park. In Taman Jaya, there is a famous local people even in Sumur and Labuan named Pak Komar. He organizes transport (boat) and trip to Ujung Kulon. The price for the boat is Rp 1000,000 (USD 105) for one way. It is better to organize a trip here. Take a trip for 3-4 days with boat in Ujung Kulon. If you are lucky to have more than 10 persons,the price will not higher than Rupiah 1000,000 (USD 105) for 3-4 days trip. The price will include guide, food (local offcourse), park entry fee, accommodation in Peucang Island and boat. There is also organized jungle trekking from Taman Jaya to Ujung Kulon for 4 days to 1 week. All the price are negotiable and cheaper. WHAT TO DO IN UJUNG KULON * Canoeing. Canoeing at Cigenter River where usually one horn Jave Rhino seen is an interesting experience, but the rhino is hardly to see. The rhino is easier to see on dry season from April to October. You can see also some snakes hanging on the tree and swamp crocodile. You will be guided by the ranger on your canoeing journey. It takes around 45 to 1 hour exploring the river by canoe. * Snorkeling and Diving. There are some spots for the snorkeling and diving but don't expect much because most of the reef is damage. * Jungle Trekking. If you want to have jungle trekking, it is better to arrange it from Taman Jaya. Pak Komar, the owner of Sunda Guesthouse can arrange it for you depend on how long you will explore the jungle. The jungle trekking will start from Taman jaya and end up at Peucang Island (crossing by boat from mainland to Peucang Island. The price includes the guide and food.


karimunjawa island west java Karimunjawa is a chain of 27 islands north of Semarang, off the coast of Central Java, Indonesia. Designated as a national marine park. Karimunjawa consists of many small islands, like Karimunjawa island, Kemujan island, Menjangan Besar island, and Menjangan kecil island. We can find various kinds sea animal, like turtle, shark, fishes, in karimunjawa waters territory. In the land, especially in Karimunjawa island and Kemujan island, we can finds many kinds of bird, deer, and even snake. HOW TO REACH KARIMUNJAWA ISLAND There are chartered plane from Semarang that flies from Semarang to Dewandaru Airport in Kemujan island. There also a regular ferry that sail from Tanjung Emas port in Semarang and Jepara port to Karimunjawa island. WHAT TO SEE AND DO IN KARIMUNJAWA ISLAND Besides the beautiful beaches, many resorts in Karimunjawa, such as Kura-kura resort, provides diving activities. There are many interesting spots, like Taka Panyawangan and Gosong cemara, to dive in the Karimunjawa water. We can also go hiking around the island to find many places around the island that gives a beautiful panorama. In karimunjawa and Kemujan island, we can rent car or motorcyle to go around the island. To go to the other island, we can use local boat or motorboat. Note: Be sure that you've booked the car before you arrived in the Karimunjawa. Because there still small amound of cars there. To make it easier, you can call your travel agent to arrange it. WHERE TO STAY IN KARIMUNJAWA ISLAND There are various kinds of accommodation there, from the four star hotels to homestay. There are also camping sites there.


  • Melati hotel
  • Blue Lagoon hotel
  • Dewandaru hotel


  • Kura- kura resort, located in Menyawakan island. It's a high class hotel with scuba facilities.
  • Nirwana resort, located in Karimunjawa island. It's a luxury hotel that provides by a lot of facilities.


G-Land is an internationally renowned surfbreak situated on the Bay of Grajagan, East Java, about half a day by road from the popular tourist destinations of Bali. G-Land was first surfed in 1972 by Bob Laverty and Bill Boyum. Bob saw the break from the window of a flight he was on from Bali. When you see G-Land from this perspective, it is easy to see why Bob put together an expedition to find this amazing wave shortly after sighting it from the plane. Bill Boyum went along for the ride and they traveled from South Bali to G-Land on fat-wheeled Suzuki 80 motorcycles. The surf was great on their first trip. Three days of surfing bliss ended with sun-burnt eyeballs and the discovery of one of the planet's best lefts.


A very long, world-class, barreling left hand reef/point break breaks along the east side of Grajagan Bay. It has long been considered one of the world's best left hand waves. The correct name of the point upon which the main wave breaks is "Plengkung". The wave becomes shallower and more critical the further down the point one rides the wave. It is one of the most consistently rideable waves in the world in season, with offshore winds and often plentiful swell between the months of, roughly, mid April to mid October.

The G-Land surf break has been divided up into several sections. The first, at the top of the point, is called "Kongs", which breaks up to several hundred metres in length, and can hold quite large sizes (from about 2 to 12 feet+, Hawaiian scale). It is not usually a barrel, nor genuinely world-class, but more a series of takeoff zones with some long wall sections, although it can also barrel on occasions. This section picks up a lot of swell, and is rarely less than 3 feet, and can be a saviour when the rest of the point is too small. This wave can sometimes link up with the next section called "Moneytrees". Moneytrees works from about 2 to 10 feet (Hawaiian scale, or about 4 to 20 feet wave faces), usually breaking over several hundred metres, and is a long, testing, barreling, world-class wave. The barrels become more critical the lower the tide and the larger the swell. Moneytrees may also occasionally link up with the next section called "Speedies", with an outside takeoff section between the two called "Launching Pads". "Launching Pads" can catch the surfer offguard, as it can break a significant way out to sea in larger swells. "Speedies" is the heaviest wave at G-Land, but can be a perfect, very round barrel for several hundred metres, rideable from about 2 to 8 feet+ (Hawaiian scale). It usually needs larger swells, and low tide can be very dangerous. Most severe injuries at G-Land have occurred at "Speedies".

It is not common to ride a wave more than about 300-400 metres at G-Land, even though the section of the point where rideable waves break is considerably longer (over 1km long), because the waves usually don't link up with each other.

There are a few other, smaller waves further down and within the bay, which include "Chickens", "20/20", "Tiger Tracks" and a few unnamed others. These waves generally only work on larger swells, but are surprisingly good alternatives when the main point is big. All of these waves can barrel in the right conditions, which generally require higher tides. There is also some right hand waves on the other side of the peninsula at G-Land, but which are fickle, requiring large swells, and no wind or off-season winds.

Another right hand wave is situated about a one hour or more drive, and boat, west of G-Land, which has been featured in Indonesian surf magazines, and dubbed as "Reverse G". It is apparently a quality, long, right hand wave (the 'reverse' of G-Land) but which is very difficult to get to, requiring some boat access, and furthermore only works in off-season winds (about October to April).

HOW TO REACH G-LAND - By Bus/van from Bali (around 7-8 hours) - By Speedboat from Bali (around 2 hours and cost around US$ 125 per person)*


Also referred to as Mahameru ("Great Mountain"), Mt. Semeru is a stratovolcano in the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park, in the province of East Java. Semeru is one of Indonesia's most active volcanoes. What stands out most about this mountain is the fact that it erupts periodically (and very reliably so). Every 20 minutes or so, the volcano belches out a huge cloud of steam and smoke, sometimes interspersed with ash and stones. The scenery on the way is beautiful (the erupting volcano, the mountain savannah, the lake), and the views from the top are spectacular. You see the vast Sandsea caldera with other volcanoes, among them Bromo and Batok, and the sea. Semeru is a must for all mountaineers, hikers and nature lovers who happen to be in Indonesia. If you are flying from Denpasar to Surabaya, you can see Semeru, and you may see a horizontal chain of clouds stretching away from the peak. These clouds all have the same distance to each other due to the volcano's periodic activity. Many people climb this mountain, tourists and Indonesians alike. HOW TO REACH SEMERU

Most visitors will arrive via Indonesia's major gateway airports Denpasar (Bali) or Jakarta. The closest domestic airport is inSurabaya, about 3 hours' drive away. Now there are flights from Jakarta to Malang.

The starting point of the hike is the village of Ranupane. You can get there either via Malang and Tumpang or via Pasuruan/Probolinggo, Sukapura, Ngadisari, and Cemoro Lawang (see Mount Bromo for details on these).

You can take a microbus from Malang to Tumpang, and then a 4WD vehicle from Tumpang to Ranupane. But the latter of the above-mentioned routes is the more interesting because it leads across the 9-km-wide Sand Sea caldera and passes Bromo, a post-caldera cinder cone. A dirt road leads across the flat bottom of the caldera, up to Jemplang on its southern rim, and on to Ranupane. You have take a 4WD vehicle (unless you prefer to walk).


Bromo isn't the highest mountain in Java — that honor goes to nearby Mount Semeru at 3,676m — but it's probably the most famous one. Bromo is in fact only one of many peaks inside the massive Tengger Caldera, but it's easily recognized as the entire top has been blown off and the crater inside constantly belches white sulphurous smoke. The inside of the caldera, aptly dubbed the Laut Pasir (Sea of Sand) is coated with fine volcanic sand and the overall effect is unsettlingly unearthly, especially when compared to the lush green valleys all around the caldera.

The major access point is Cemoro Lawang at the northeast edge, but there are also trails from Tosari (northwest) and Ngadas (west). The village of Ngadisari, on the road from Probolinggo about 5.5 km before Cemoro Lawang, marks the entrance to the national park. Both Cemoro Lawang and Ngadisari are rather picturesque, with brightly-painted houses and flower beds outside.


By plane

The nearest major airport is in Surabaya, three to four hours away by car (and more by bus).

By bus

The nearest larger town is Probolinggo, on the north coast of Java. It's about one hour from Probolinggo to Ngadisari and another half hour all the way to Cemoro Lawang, and it's (just) possible to visit on a day trip, although most visitors prefer to climb overnight and see the sunrise.

To go there, take a 'Damri' shuttle bus from the Juanda International Airport in Surabaya, to go to the Bungurasih bus terminal(terminal Purabaya). Then, take an express Patas air-conditioned bus for a 2-3 hours ride from Surabaya to Probolinggo.


When timing any activities in the area, bear in mind that sunset is soon after 5 PM and sunrise is correspondingly early at around 5:30 AM. This means you'll usually need to get up by 3:30 AM or so to get there in time for dawn.

  • Mount Batok (2440m) is a brown volcanic cone at the north center of the caldera. Unlike the other nearby peaks it is no longer active and actually has some vegetation growing on it, mostly the local cemara tree that somehow manages to survive even on volcanic ash.
  • Mount Bromo, edges tinged with white sulphur and always bubbling, is the main sight. To reach it on foot, pick the left fork at Cemoro Lawang's solitary crossing, then head down the ramp into the caldera and then across the caldera to the Hindu temple at the foot of the mountain. From the temple a steep path of 250 steps leads to the edge of the crater and a precarious meter-wide ledge from where to gaze into the volcano. Beware of local jeep-hirers, who often try to persuade tourists the journey to the mountain is not walking distance (in order to hire them jeeps, or horses). The walk from the tourist centre to the top of the mountain should take no longer than 1.5 hours by foot, and is about 3km.
  • Mount Penanjakan (2770m), located just north of the caldera, is a mountaintop viewpoint accessible by paved road from Tosari and hence popular with jeeps and even tour buses. Most of the crowd comes to see the dawn at 5 AM, and you'll likely have the large concrete observation post to yourself if you arrive later in the day.
  • Viewpoint #2, along the trail from Cemoro Lawang to Mt. Penanjakan, is an excellent way to get a stunning view of the caldera (see pictures above) without the crowds. To reach it, head west from Cemoro Lawang (past Cemero Indah) for 6 km, past farms and fields. The paved road eventually turns into a twisty mountain trail that ends with a flight of stairs on the right, and the viewpoint (with concrete shelter) is at the top. Allow 1.5 hours for the climb up at a steady pace, and bring along a torch if attempting this at night.
    • From here, you can continue onto Mt. Penanjakan by following the trail upward, after which the trail merges onto the paved road to the viewpoint (total time about 60 minutes one way). If planning to return the same way, mark the spot where the trail emerges onto the road (if you pass a stone lantern on the way down, you've gone too far!), and note that descending on this section can get slippery due to loose sand and rocks.

There are plenty of accommodation options around the mountain. Facilities at Cemoro Lawang side of the caldera are rather basic, but there are good hotels in Sukapura and Probolinggo

  • Java Banana Bromo, Wonotoro, tel. +62-335-541193. A cozy boutique hotel with the beautiful landscape of Bromo. It's a lodge, cafe, and gallery. Room rates start from IDR 650,000 (Jan 2009).
  • Bromo Cottages, Tosari, tel. +62-31-515253. Despite the name, it's actually an upmarket hotel. Net rates from US$47 for a double.
  • Cemoro Indah, Cemoro Lawang +62-335-541019. It has a nice view of Mount Bromo and provide hot water. You can sit down in its restaurant and view the Mount Bromo directly. An ecomomy room is 75,000rp.
  • Lava View Lodge, Cemoro Lawang, tel. +62-335-541009. The most upmarket option in Cemoro Lawang, located at the caldera edge some 500m west of the village and price is more up then other hotel
  • Yoschi's, Ngadisari, tel. +62-335-541018. Cozy guesthouse done up to look like a Balinese temple. Note that the cheapest rooms here don't have hot water.
  • Cafe Lava, Cemoro Lawang. This is the best budget option at 120,000 for an economy room.


One of the largest National Parks in Indonesia, the park protects a large area of forest ranging from mountains to lower elevation forests. However as throughout the archipelago much illegal logging and hunting continues within the park's borders.

The park is dominated by the Barisan mountains, including Mount Kerinci, at 3805m the highest mountain in Sumatra. The mountain is volcanic with a jungle terrain.

As of 2007, visitors are allowed to climb Mount Kerinci from the village of Kersik Tuo, but are not allowed to go further than 1km from the crater due to black smog seen.

Kerinici is most famous amongst bird-watchers as the best place to see most of Sumatran endemic bird species including the Schneiders Pitta and Sumatran Cochoa, both considered extinct for much of the 20th century.

Most visitors arrive from Padang's Minangkabau International Airport. You may want to call your hotel or homestay in advance to arrange for personal transport (you can hire a car, van, or bus) for your trip, as it is a 6 hour drive away from the town.

It is also possible to take public transport, although the ride may be uncomfortable as public buses may not have space if you are carrying a bulky backpack or luggage.

You should prepare or bring a photocopy of your passport, which is to be given to the authorities. It is also possible to get a photocopy made at the village of Kersik Tuo. The price for entry as of May, 2008 is 10 to 20,000 Rupiah per person, or about USD 1 or 2.


There are tea plantations, which you may tour after getting permission from the locals. You can go sightseeing around the town, but mainly most people prefer to go trekking to see more of the nature reserve.

The park is also popular for trekkers with a number of routes available. Some highly recommended treks include Lake Gunung Tujuh- a crater lake in Mount Tujuh; and the popular trek up to either Camp 2 or 3 of Mount Kerinci. It is also possible to trek to the summit. A trek to the summit usually takes 2 days and 1 night, including the descent, although the more adventurous claim it can be made in a single day, beginning around 5am.

Another beautiful spot in Kerinci Seblat National Park:

- Telun Berasap Waterfall


The best places to stay are the village of Kersik Tuo or the town of Sungai Penuh, both reached by public transport from Padang.

  • Homestay Pak Subandi - Tel: (0748)357009. Pak Subandi can arrange for a guide to bring you up the volcano, or for normal trekking. The address is Jalan Raya Muara Labuh, Sungai Penuh, Desa Kersik Tua.


It is more advisable to camp with a guide, as there have been rare cases of people who disappeared while attempting to climb Kerinci alone. You can ask your local accommodation to arrange for a guide for you. A highly recommended guide is Pak Ahmad, with around 30 years of experience bringing people up the volcano. He can be contacted through Homestay Pak Subandi.

The homestays also provide equipment rental, and your guide, or porters if you choose to hire any, will bring his own (basic) equipment and tent.

The basic fee for a guide is about 100,000 Rupiah / day.


At 3,726 m, Rinjani is the second highest volcano in Indonesia, second only to Java's Mount Semeru. Rinjani is best climbed during the April-November dry season. It's possible to climb during the rainy season as well, but tours are often cancelled at short notice if storms develop. HOW TO REACH MOUNT RINJANI

Climbing all or part of Rinjani is very popular among visitors to Lombok. Very few attempt independent travel, as all guesthouses and travel agents on the island can arrange trips, including camping equipment, porters, food and other necessary supplies and logistics.

Most visitors arrive via the village of Senaru (600m), on the northern side of the mountain and thus closer to the main resort area of Senggigi. The other possible entry point is Sembalun Lawang (1150m), on the eastern side, which is closer to the summit.

Entry to the park costs Rp. 150,000 per person. WHAT TO SEE IN MOUNT RINJANI
  • Segara Anak Lake, in the crater
  • Aik Kalak hot springs, at the crater rim
Within the park the only way to get around is to hike. Porters can be arranged to carry your supplies.

Most visitors only opt for the hike to the lower crater rim (~2600m), about 7 hours one way from Senaru, which can be done fairly comfortably overnight. Going down from the crater rim to the lake (~2000 m) will generally require spending two nights, while going up to the summit will require at least two nights. Many operators offer three or four night hikes covering the lot.


There is no lodging in the park itself, but some simple hotels can be found in Senaru.

  • Pondok Indah Hotel
  • Pondok Senaru
  • Rinjani Trekking Lodges

Camping is possible at designated rest shelter areas along the trail and on the crater rim.


Senggigi is the main tourist strip of Lombok, stretched out along nearly 10 kilometers of beachfront just to the north of the capital Mataram.

Senggigi can be broadly divided into three parts: northern Mangsit Beach, central Senggigi and the southern stretch near Batu Bolong, with headlands separating the three. Mangsit has quiet resorts and very little other development, while nightlife and other restaurants are concentrated in Senggigi and the Batu Bolong area.

That said, Lombok's post-2000 misfortunes hit Senggigi hard, with many developments halted and a businesses closed and boarded up. Things are starting to improve again, with a few new villas going up, shops re-opening and attracting more tourist who seek the solitude and unspoiled scenery of Lombok. Senggigi is the place to find hotels/resorts with manicured grounds and swimming pools - often a short distance from the beach. Senggigi is not a typical tourist resort town where a day can be spent shopping and socializing at the local bars and restaurants (such as found in Bali). Most visitors use Senggigi as a home base and take day trips to the waterfalls, the Gili Islands, or just exploring the still authentic villages, temples, and jungle habitat found within a couple hours drive.


Senggigi is about 15-20 minutes north of Mataram and its airport. Taxis charge around Rp 30,000 for the trip, while bemos will cover the distance for under Rp 5,000.

If you are frugal or intrepid and take the slow ferry from Bali, it's best to arrange transport in advance from the ferry dock to Senggigi, since the dock on the Lombok side is in a remote spot several kilometers south of Mataram. Travel agents on Bali offer transport from any point in southern Bali to Seggigi, including the ferry ticket, for about Rp 140,000.


  • Pura Batu Bolong, 2 km south of Senggigi. Small Hindu temple located in a scenic spot at a cape overlooking Senggigi beach, named after a rock (batu) with a hole (bolong). At the tip is an empty chair representing Brahma, the god of creation. Free entry, but you'll have to loan a sash (Rp5,000 a throw) from one of the urchins if you don't have one already. Sunsets seen from here can be very impressive.
  • Senggigi Beach. A spit of sand stretching out from central Senggigi, this is Senggigi's raison d'etre but, by Indonesian standards, it's not all that spectacular. The beach is a little dirty, the hawkers are a nuisance and the Senggigi Beach Resort has grabbed most of the land. Some local surfers brave the smallish waves.

Senggigi is a popular launch point for other activities on Lombok. Without the hassle of Mataram, you can visit several other locations and come back to the same hotel each night. Tour operators can arrange these trips for you at around Rp. 300,000 for the day for a private car and driver or cheaper if you go with a group.

Popular excursions that can be done in a day trip include:

  • Village visits, including weaving villages and other handicraft-producers
  • Waterfall visits


Bunaken is one of Indonesia's most famous dive/snorkeling areas, and it draws scuba divers & snorkelers from all over the world. In addition to Bunaken itself, a rather featureless banana-shaped island, the National Park includes the neighboring islands of Manado Tua, a distinctive cone-shaped extinct volcano, Siladen, Montehagen, Nain, and Nain Kecil. HOW TO REACH BUNAKEN Bunaken is about 45-60 minutes by boat from Manado. Most resorts will arrange transfers from the airport for their guests. Alternatively, a public boat leaves daily except Sunday at 2-3PM from the canal on the north side of the market. The cost is 25,000Rp for tourists (7,000Rp for locals). It returns to Manado from the jetty in Bunaken village around 8-8:30AM every morning except Sunday. You can also charter a boat both ways at anytime. WHAT TO SEE IN BUNAKEN

Tourism on Bunaken has been very much geared towards divers over the years, but the trend seems to be changing and more and more snorkelers are visiting the area as too are those who wish to just relax immersed in nature...away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Possible activities for landlubbers include:

  • Beach-combing, especially at low tide when the reef top is accessible
  • Hiking to some of the secluded coves on the Eastern and Northern part of the island, but trails are poorly marked
  • Fishing, but only outside of the park boundaries: hire a boat or join one of the local fishing boats.
  • Dolphin & Whale watching, either while on diving or snorkeling boat trips or by hiring a boat.

The thing to do in Bunaken is dive, dive and dive! However, the steep walls and occasionally strong, rapidly changing currents mean that many sites cater more to the intermediate/advanced diver, although there are beginner-friendly sites too and all dive shops can arrange intro dives and Open Water Diver courses. The North Sulawesi Watersports Association offers oodles of detail on diving in the park. The park also offers outstanding snorkeling!

The snorkeling is fantastic just in front of many of the resorts that surround the island, with an incredible amount of marine life living in the shallows and also on the outer walls. Remember not to snorkel without fins as the currents can sometimes be strong, and change quickly even when they are not. Pick a reference point on the island and do not stray too far unless you are a confident swimmer.

  • Bastianos Dive Resorts, Will pick up from Manado hotels.
  • Bunaken Cha Cha Nature Resort, tel. +62 813 56930370 (Skype: bunakenchacha). On the eastern side of Bunaken; 10 cottages all with en-suite bathrooms (hot water showers), large balconies, all Superior Cottages are equipped with A/C. Private white sand beach, "House Reef" with floating pontoon for snorkelers, Massage treatments available. Restaurant above the beach, Wifi in bar/restaurant, PADI Dive Center. Packages start from US$60 per person/per night ; Accommodation & Dive Packages from US$145 per person/per night.
  • Bunaken Village Resort. Located along the Pangalisang beach on the east coast of Bunaken. 8 cottages, restaurant, dive shop, beach bar, and swimming pool around a nicely landscaped small garden. Rooms 20-25€, 2 boat dives 40€. Next door just south of Two Fish Divers.
  • Froggies Divers, []. A high quality dive operator with comfortable bungalows and excellent food.
  • Living Colours, tel. +62-812-4306063. Diver-oriented resort run by the shop of the same name, the bungalows are spacious and clean. Rooms 35€/person, including three excellent meals. Lately chosen as " Best resort all around Bunaken" by Lonely Planet Indonesia.
  • Lorenso's Bungalows. 5 min down the coast from Living Colours, offering cheaper but more basic bungalows at 125,000- 250,000 Rp. per person, per night
  • M.C. Dive Bunaken. Located near the Bunaken Village Has a very nice beach just next to the village and offers relaxed diving. Also offering Padi Dive Courses and Specialty's, Basic cottages 14€, more "luxurious" bungalows: 20€, including all meals, coffee, tea and water. 2 dives 40€, third dive 15€
  • Siladen Resort & Spa, tel. +62-431-856820. Small exclusive international resort on Siladen Island across from Bunaken. Multilingual PADI dive center, gourmet restaurant, lounge bar, Spa, large salt water pool. Located on the secluded western side of Siladen on a 300 meter stretch of white coral beach facing Manadotua Vulcano. Only 15 villas. PADI courses and full packages available.
  • Two Fish Divers, tel. +62-811-432805. Small and friendly PADI Gold Palm IDC Resort based on Bunaken Island. Cottages are basic but comfortable, and are right in front of the mangroves. The food is reliable, if monotonous. Vegetarians are usually offered fresh grilled fish in place of meat dishes. Offers fun dives for experienced and inexperienced divers, with small groups of 2-4 divers per dive guide. Also offers a full range of PADI dive courses from Open Water Course through to Instructor. Rooms start at 12 Euros per person to 25 Euros per person.


ngarai sianok berastagi

HOW TO REACH BERASTAGI It is recommended that you know someone with a car in Medan, the closest biggest city in North Sumatra with an airport, because public transport to Brastagi is quite bad, often people squeeze inside a bus and some even sit on top of the roof of the bus. You could get a taxi straight there from the airport (many touts will approach you)with normal price 350000 rp/person. Use your negotiation skill to get the price down to 250000 rp/person. You can also go to Pinang Baris bus station in Medan 10k west of city centre or to Simpang Kuala where you can get a local bus for around 25000 Rp/person (Jul 07). From Polonia airport to Pinang Baris or Simpang Kuala, you can use local minivan 'Sudaco'(rarely)for a 2000-3000 rp. If you don't have enough time to wait for the 'Sudaco', you can use 'Becak Mesin' which is available just outside the airport to go to Pringgan. Pringgan is the easiest place to get 'Sudaco' to Pinang Baris, Simpang Kuala or any other places in Medan. The common price for 'Becak Mesin' from airport to Pringgan is 10000 rp/trip. Bus to Berastagi takes about 2 hours. The common bus names are Borneo, Sutra, and Sinabung Jaya. The fare is 10000 rp/person (September 2008). There are busses und both directions all around the clock. (After 9pm only the minivan-Style busses). WHAT TO SEE AND DO IN BERASTAGI Sibayak, Sinabung mountains, Sipiso-piso Falls, Traditional Karonese House at Lingga Village, Lake Toba (Tongging).

A climb of Gunung Sibayak is a must. A guide is not required and would probably take away from the experience. Catch a bus to the bus terminal at the bottom of the mountain. If short on time you could get dropped off up higher as the lower part is road and not as scenic. Ask your hotel which bus (some leave from the flower market). The walk starts off by ascending sharply and really doesn't stop climbing until you reach the 2000m summit. It is a tough walk and water and snacks are a must, but those with a basic level of fitness should be able to complete this with rests along the way. Three hours from start to summit. The road is paved the entire way up and it is impossible to get lost on the way up.

The crater of Gunung Sibayak is filled with rocks that tourists have inevitably made into all sorts of shapes and words. From here, a good way to descend the mountain is to head off over the far side of the crater (3 o clock) down some very slippery surfaces. Beware though, there are some who have ended up getting seriously lost. In particular, avoid the trail that heads behind the antenna hill; you want to be heading down the opposite direction. Be extra cautious in foggy weather. Alternatively walk back the same way you came and about 45 minutes from the summit a road veers off to the right. This will bring you to Semangat Gunung, the hot springs village. From here, transport back to Berastagi is as easy as jumping on the first bus seen, last one around 6pm. Watching the sun set over the volcano you just climbed from the roof of the bus is magic.

You can also go to Gunung Sinabung, the easiest way is to take a minibus to Danau Kawar (a lake at the foot of the volcano) and then hike up (you should ask for directions as the beginning is not obvious). After the initial pass through the farms the path is impossible to miss (although the usual stories about lost/dead tourists exist and are listed at the tourist information office in BerAstagi), so no guide should be necessary. Good views from the top and excellent walk through the jungle (the walk up to Sibayak is not quite so pleasant).


  • Hotel Sibayak (Wisma Sibayak) is located on the Southern end of the main street near a giant cabbage sculpture and is quite suitably located. There are two classes of rooms and even the premium rooms are very basic. Toilets are operated by bucket and shower is using the same bucket. As the altitude of Berastagi is approximately 1300m, it can sometimes be very uncomfortable to shower with the cold water. The staff will be happy to boil a bucket of water for you for about Rp.5000. Deluxe rooms Rp.50000. This hotel option will be suitable for all but the most fussy traveller.
  • CitiHoliday Stoomvaart, Hotel by CitiInn Group ( is located at the historic site of Djakarta Lloyd resort house, dated from 1922. An old dutch colonial resort. It is nestled on top of a small hill. Nice view and breezy. Located next to old Bukit Kubu park. The hotel is excellent for budget traveller. Room rate is only Rp 200,000 (about 22 USD) per night for weekends & holidays. More discount for weekdays, though the place is deserted so the restaurant is closed then. In the weekend the opposite, lots of people and very noisy.


Lake Toba is an immense volcanic lake covering area 1707 sq km (bigger than Singapore) with an island in the center. Formed by a gigantic volcanic eruption some 70,000 years ago, it is probably the largest resurgent caldera on Earth. Some studies say it might have been associated with causing previous ice age/climate change. The island in the middle - Pulau Samosir - was joined to the caldera wall by a narrow isthmus, which was cut through to enable boats to pass; a road bridge crosses the cutting. You get a ferry from Parapat to Pulau Samosir Island, they run every 1-2 hours, the last one at 6:00 pm (Rp 7000). Self proclaimed 'Tourist Hunters' may befriend you on the boat but are harmless and often helpful to find things, arrangements etc (Bintang can fix you up with anything). Tuk Tuk is the main town to stay on Samosir. HOW TO GET TO LAKE TOBA The main town is Parapat, about 4 hours by car from Medan (4-6 hours by public bus). Public Bus fee is 22,000 IDR. A scheduled and shared 7 passenger minivan costs 60,000 IDR and can be arranged by most hotels in Medan (Feb 08). In reality you need to plan an 8 to 10 hour journey from Medan to Samosir Island, which is where the real tourism is. Parapat is a nice little town with reasonable hotels/guest houses, good food options and so on. However its on the island itself that you get the real feeling of Danau Toba. The car ferry terminal is almost impossible to find, even with local help, or perhaps because of it. The ferry leaves according to a schedule that is hammered to the ticket office wall, or whenever the ferry is full, or whenever the ferry captain feels like leaving! Dont bother asking the staff any questions, if they do bother to reply it will be wrong anyway. Stay close to you car, and push on at first opportunity. The ferry ride over is fantastic, just truly peaceful, apart from the car radios playing, the ladies selling peanuts, aqua, mee or pretty much anything else. Some spoke excellent English which was a little surprising. Landing at the other end of the one hour ferry journey is daunting, but again, behave like everyone else in Indonesia and just push, ever so politely, but firmly and eventually you will get off the ferry and onto the main road. The road signs are pretty much useless, as is asking the locals for directions, why is it so hard? Anyway if you are going to Tuk Tuk keep going, even though it may seem to be taking forever and you have been stuck in the Kijang for 8 hours with 10 other people, but you will get there and the hosts will be wonderful. Do not, I repeat, do not try to drive out of Samosir Island by going up and over the top to the land bridge. The road is very bad and even my Indonesian relatives eventually gave up, took my advice and turned around (perilously) and headed back to the ferry. Raja Taxi +62 (0)617 366-555 operates a shared cab service leaving from Medan airport at scheduled times that costs 75,000 IDR per person (Dec 08). Alternatively, you can book the whole taxi, a Toyota Avanza which seats seven, for 450,000 IDR. Another great way to get to Lake Toba is by train. Two or three trains leave each day in that direction and you want to get off either at PT Siantar or Tebing Tinggi (note: the train stops at one or the other). The train is a wonderful way to travel. Once you are in your seat and have a stream of buskers, food vendors and friendly local passing by you will know why this is often the best way to travel overland. From Siantar (1 hour Taxi) or T Tinggi (2 hour Taxi) you will need to hire a taxi or a bus for road transport to Parapat. WHAT TO SEE IN LAKE TOBA There are hot springs on the western side of the island just across the causeway from Pangururan. The water is hot. Locals usually use their hands to get some water out of the pool, standing in the pool is possible, but you probably won't be able to swim. The fee to enter to the surroundings is Rp. 2'000. The pools are free, there's some special foreigner pool for Rp 5'000. * Samosir - Many Big Statues as Cemeteries for Batak people ancestors * Samosir, Simanindo - Batak Museum with traditional dance performed twice daily * Samosir, Ambarita - Stone chairs used for judgement and executions * Just on the other side of Samosir, near Pangururan are hot springs * From Tuk tuk you can see a waterfall up the mountain behind you. It's a great walk with a rewarding fresh swim! WHERE TO STAY * Tabo Cottages is the most luxurious accommodation on the island. Prices start at around Rp.120,000 per night and climb up from there. The rooms are very clean and quite modern by Sumateran standards. Internet is available from the family's computer for a nominal rate and the western-styled food served in the restaurant is very good. * There are numerous hotels and guest houses, mainly in Tuk tuk but with a few scattered in other small towns around the island. * Hotel Carolina is a nice place with 49 rooms set in a lush tropical garden. It has a good restaurant with a verandah overlooking the lake. Staff is very helpful. Prices start with a bargain of Rp.20.000 for small Batak style cottages up the hill with cold water only and go up to Rp.100.000 for the luxury rooms on the lake shore which come with hot water, a bath tub and a fridge. Rates subject to a 10% tax. Good access to the lake for swimming with a pontoon to relax. The Hotel can organise trips, rents out motorbikes, has an internet parlour and even offers free WiFi, though the speed can be very slow., phone 0625 451210/41520. Ask the ferry boat from Parapat to drop you at the hotel jetty. * Liberta Homestay is a good budget choice for 35000Rp/night+. It has quiet private cabins on the lake. Friendly owner Mr Moon will sing, cook, and go out of his way for you. * Bagus Bay is a lovely place next to the lake. A dark wood and bamboo bar/restaurant give the place a particularly relaxed feel. The rooms are basic and range between 25000 and 50000 rupiah. Good food and cold beer at a reasonable price. * Samosir Cottages accommodates many of the travellers who arrive late in Parapat, as there is usually a representative to ship them to the cottages. This is not a bad thing, however - the place is large, with a big variety in the price of rooms (Rp 30,000 and upwards). The waterfront is clean, and the restaurant is large and serves good food. * Christina Guesthouse is a small relaxing place with lovely scenery and good swimming. Rooms are clean and located in several houses (e.g. traditional Batak-houses). Prices per night from Rp. 25000 upwards. Internet & Skype are available for reasonable price. Western- and Indonesian style food is served in the restaurant. Guesthouse manager Juan gives gladly general tourist information and good tips about Sumatra. * Romlan is a small guesthouse with about 15 rooms and includes two batak cottages (40,000 per night) and traditional rooms in a single and two storey building (about 60,000 per night). The rooms are super clean and very comfortable with attached bathroom and nice furniture. All rooms have direct lake view and the swimming area is good for swimming and relaxing. Also great local and indonesian food including some german meals. Highly recommended. Ask the boat to stop at the private dock. * Mas Cottages. Mas Cottages is closer to the ancient ceremonial stone chairs than downtown Tuk-Tuk. It is a quiet sanctuary from the rest of the world with a variety of accomodation options all directly on the lake including VIP suites and traditional Batak houses. Safety and security are unparalled at Mas Cottages. Prices are a bit higher for this secluded location at 60-70,000 rps.


Carstensz Pyramid, called Puncak Jaya by some, and Puncak Jaya Kesuma or only Jaya Kesuma by others, is located to the west of the central highland called Jayawijaya and Sudirman Mountains. It is the tallest mountain in Australia and Oceania. Technically this means that Carstensz Pyramid is the tallest mountain between America and the Himalayas.

Carstensz Pyramid is the highest mountain in Australia and Oceania. It is the eight summit in the Seven summits project (7 summits on 7 tallest mounatins on 7 Continets). Carstensz Pyramid is situated in west Papua (now named Papua province Indonesia). This Indonesian Province was called Irian Jaya till 2005. It lies in New Guinea, which is the world’s second largest island.


4884 m (16023 ft)


S 04°04.733 E 137°09.572


New Guinea west Papua


The climate of the Carstensz Pyramid, and its nearest surroundings, are quite diverse. During the day the temperature rises from 12°C (53, 6 F), up to 37°C (98, 6°F). At night the temperature near the Base Camp decreases to k –8°C (17, 6°F). The temperature on the summit of the Carstensz Pyramid might decrease even to below –10°C (14°F). Usually it rains for several hours during the day.


The first option is a several days long trekking from the north (from Illaga) via the New Zealand Pass, or from a different airport near the Carstensz Pyramid. The second alternative is a flight with a helicopter directly to the camp in Zebra Whal (3800 m, 12467 ft). The trip via Freeport of Indonesia is not possible anymore, because the management of the company refused to issue permits to climbers for passing the mine.

There are several travel agencies in the world, which organize the climbing of the Carstensz pyramid with the support of helicopters. From time to time, one of the individuals tries to organize a trekking expedition.

WHAT TO SEE AROUND CARSTENSZ PYRAMID Trekking in the Carstensz Pyramid surroundings, is some of the most beautiful in the whole world. To say the truth, we don’t know of a more beautiful place. There are tropical forests, snow covered summits, endless forests of gigantic ferns, jagged walls, alpine massive, pure rivers, sky-blue lakes, and lovely white glaciers. You can also see: - Gigantic ferns and Kembalo Plato

- The lake scenery

- The Snow Mountains and the New Zealand Pass

- Carstensz Pyramid (Puncak Jaya) and the Descent to the Lake Valley CLIMBING PERMITS For climbing the Carstensz Pyramid, you need many permits from Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, and several other permits from Jayapura, the capital of Papua province of Indonesia. Getting any of the permits is very tough. It is necessary to get a permit from BAIS – Indonesian secret police (similar to the U.S. FBI or Russian KGB), from the army, from the ministry of foreign affairs, from the ministry of tourism, from federal police, and many more. From similar authorities, it is necessary to get provincial permits in Jayapura. These permits are issued based on permits from Jakarta. Without a permit from Jakarta, you won’t get a permit from Jayapura. On the other hand, authorities in Jayapura are not obliged to issue you a permit even if you already have one from Jakarta.


There is a great place to dive in the off-shore of Sorong, precisely situated on RAJA AMPAT ISLAND GROUP. The Raja Ampat area of Northwest Irian Jaya is filled with islands, surrounded by reefs and inundated with fish! After 9 years in the area we have only begun to discover the natural treasures awaiting us on each dive. The Raja Ampat island group spreads out over a huge area and consists of over 610 islands. The four largest islands are Waigeo, Batanta, Salawati and Misool and are located at the Westside of the "Bird head peninsula" in Irian. The Raja Ampat has only recently been discovered by scientist to house world's richest reefs systems. The group of islands is situated on the equator, is part of Papua and counts more than 600 islands. Till this very day the area is virtually unexplored and unknown due to its size, what we do know is that it has revealed to harbor an amazing diversity of breathtaking underwater life. The first dives in this area was pioneered in 1990.

The area's reefs are covered in a diverse selection of both hard and soft corals. Most of the areas reefs are pristine, with mile after mile of perfect hard corals, drift after drift of Dendronephya (soft) corals of many species and colors ranging from brilliant red, to shocking yellow pretty pink and exotic purple. Most reef dives are very colorful.

Among, above, and on top of the corals are fish. Schooling fish, solitary fish, beautiful fish, ugly fish, large fish, small fish! Some fish that are considered to be rare in many parts of the world are abundant in the Raja Ampat area. For example, many Sargassum Frogfish are found in the floating weed in front of the dive resort.

Wobbegong Sharks are found on many dives, often lying atop perfect table corals like a fish carefully arranged by a chef on a dinner plate. The Epaulette Shark, a small shark only a foot long, is numerous and found very often on night dives in the seagrass or even on the shelf of a wall dive.

Giant Clams are found at many of our dive sites. These clams are large enough to swallow a child, but are embedded in the reef and covered with soft corals, tunicates and sponges so thick they can barely close their shells. Wai Island has a "Giant Clam Area" just off the beach.

The offshore reef sites, especially those near Kri Island are poplulated with MEGATONS of schooling fish! Many different species school in the current sometimes mixing so that a diver is surrounded by a chaotic mass of fish life. The most common to see are barracuda, jacks, bannerfish, surgeonfish, fusiliers, parrotfish and snappers. All in many species. The fish are so dense that they sometimes block the view of your dive buddy or the surface!

The Raja ampat area is not only stunning underwater. Topside, the islands have a very diverse topography with steep mountain shores and deserted white sand beaches. The area is far off the beaten track and is rarely visited by foreigners. The raw beauty of the islands will fascinate you. It's dense jungle interior is known for its many orchids and the paradise birds. Waigeo and Batanta have the Wilson's and the Red Bird of Paradise both endemic to this area, as well as abundantly present Lorikeets, Parrots, Kingfishers, Eagles and Hornbills.


As you might have notice that the Raja Ampat island group spreads out over a huge area and consists of over 610 islands, there are two resort for accommodation on the Raja ampat Islands: Kri Eco Resort and Sorido Bay Resort.


This is the longest established resort consists of traditional buildings over the water, along a jetty and offers traditional Papuan accommodation with excellent food and a relaxed, friendly atmosphere.


The new "Sorido Bay Resort" offers western comforts in traditional Papuan setting. It is a combination of modern and traditional building methods to create a balanced and comfortable resort. This resort is built for the more demanding diver and specially the underwater photographer.